The Fall Mining Bees are entirely different group of species than those active earlier in the year. Many are closely associated with Goldenrod and/or Asters.

Genus level ID: See the Mining Bee page for tips on separating other genera. In particular, compare the fall suit of Cellophane Bees (Colletes), which often co-occur on Goldenrod.

The species below represent all of the Mining Bee species likely to be encountered from August onward, in rough order of abundance and distinctiveness. Almost all the species listed below can at least occasionally be identified from photos.. Click each box for more details on a given species.


Unless otherwise specified, photos are courtesy of Margarita Miklasevskaja at PCYU with funding from NSERC-CANPOLIN. Specialization data primarily from


The table below is a complete list (as of February 2021) of all Mining Bee species confirmed for Vermont. Links (where present) will take you to individual species pages with natural history notes, identification tips, and a map.

All Vermont Mining Bees

Scientific NameCommon NameRelative AbundanceNotes
Andrena alleghaniensisAllegheny Mining BeeUncommon
Andrena arabisMustard Miner BeeRareToothwort specialist, one confirmed record for VT
Andrena asterisAster Mining BeeFairly CommonAster specialist that can also be found on goldenrod
Andrena barbilabrisLong-lipped Mining BeeUncommon
Andrena bisalicisEastern Willow Miner BeeUncommonWillow specialist
Andrena braccataUncommonAssociated with goldenrod
Andrena bradleyiBradley's Mining BeeUncommonFavors blueberries, uncommon to rare in VT
Andrena brevipalpisShort-tongued Miner BeeUncommon
Andrena canadensisCanadian Mining BeeRareFall composite specialist, very few records for VT
Andrena carliniCarlin's Mining BeeCommon
Andrena carolinaCarolina Miner BeeFairly CommonBlueberry specialist
Andrena ceanothiCeanothus Miner BeeUncommon
Andrena clarkellaClark's Mining BeeFairly CommonDistinctive willow specialist
Andrena commodaAdvantaged Miner BeeUncommon
Andrena cornelliAzalea Mining BeeRareRhododendron specialist, only known from one site in near the Massachusetts border
Andrena crataegiHawthorn Mining BeeCommon
Andrena cressoniiCresson's Mining BeeFairly Common
Andrena distansCranesbill MinerUncommon*Wild Geranium specialist
Andrena dunningiDunning's Mining BeeFairly Common
Andrena erigeniaeSpring Beauty Mining BeeFairly CommonSpring Beauty specialist
Andrena erythrogasterRed-tailed Mining BeeFairly CommonWillow specialist
Andrena erythroniiTrout-lily Mining BeeFairly CommonPrefers trout-lily, though likely not a true specialist. Less widespread than trout-lilies in VT
Andrena forbesiiForbes' Mining BeeUncommon
Andrena fragilisFragile Dogwood Mining BeeUncommonDogwood specialist
Andrena frigidaFrigid Mining BeeFairly CommonWillow specialist
Andrena geraniiWaterleaf Mining BeeUncommonVirginia Waterleaf specialist
Andrena helianthiSunflower Mining BeeCommonSunflower specialist
Andrena hippotesHippotes's Miner BeeFairly Common
Andrena hirticincta Hairy-banded Mining BeeCommonComposite specialist, common on goldenrod in the fall.
Andrena imitatrixImitator Miner BeeFairly Common
Andrena integraShort-haired Dogwood Mining BeeFairly CommonDogwood specialist
Andrena krigianaDwarf-dandelion Mining BeeRareThought to be a Dwarf Dandelion (Genus Krigia) specialist, though both of VT records are at least 100 miles from known Dwarf Dandelions.
Andrena melanochroaRose Miner BeeUncommon
Andrena milwaukeensisMilwaukee Mining BeeCommonCommon, distinctive spring species
Andrena mirandaSingular Miner BeeFairly Common
Andrena miserabilisMiserable Mining BeeCommon
Andrena nasoniiNason's Mining BeeCommon
Andrena nidaRareWillow specialist, perhaps focusing on Sandbar Willow (Salix exigua). Few, if any recent records.
Andrena nigraeBlack Miner BeeRareFew, if any recent records.
Andrena nigrihirtaBlack-haired Miner BeeFairly Common
Andrena nivalisSnowy Mining BeeCommon
Andrena nudaNude Mining BeeUncommon
Andrena parnassiaeParnassia MinerUncommon*Fen grass specialist, poorly known globally, but found several places in VT recently
Andrena peckhamiPeckham's Mining BeeRare
Andrena perplexaPerplexed Miner BeeUncommon
Andrena persimulataProtuberance Miner BeeUncommon
Andrena placataPeaceful Miner BeeFairly Common
Andrena platypariaPlated Miner BeeUncommonDogwood specialist
Andrena pruniCherry Mining BeeUncommon*
Andrena regularisRegular Mining BeeFairly Common
Andrena robertsoniiRobertson's Miner BeeFairly Common
Andrena rufosignataBrown-fovea MinerCommon
Andrena rugosaRugose Mining BeeCommon
Andrena salictariaSmall Willow Miner BeeFairly CommonWillow specialist
Andrena sigmundiSigmund's Mining BeeUncommon
Andrena spiraeanaGoatsbeard Miner BeeFairly Common
Andrena vernalisRareGolden Alexander specialist
Andrena vicinaNeighborly Mining BeeFairly Common
Andrena violaeRareViolet specialist
Andrena virginianaVirginia Mining BeeUncommon
Andrena w-scriptaW-marked Miner BeeFairly Common
Andrena wheeleriWheeler's Miner BeeUncommon
Andrena wilkellaWilke's Mining BeeCommonIntroduced
Andrena ziziaeGolden-Alexanders Mining BeeCommonGolden Alexander specialist
Andrena nubeculaCloudy-winged Mining BeeCommonFall, associated with Goldenrod
Andrena mandibularisToothed Miner Bee
Andrena thaspiiParsnip Miner Bee
Andrena ziziaeformisRare*Cinquefoils and Appalachian Barren-Strawberry specialist. Known from one site in Rutland County.

Please note that many of our datasets have not been published yet, so the maps are incomplete.