A data platform by GBIF for exploring biodiversity information in Vermont.
Get connected with a community of over a million scientists and naturalists who can help you learn more about nature! What’s more, by recording and sharing your observations, you’ll create research quality data for scientists working to better understand our natural heritage.
Vermont eBird has revolutionized the way that the birding community reports and accesses information about birds. Join nearly 14,000 bird watchers in Vermont in discovering and reporting bird observations for education, science and conservation. Every sighting matters. Contribute yours.
Join the thousands of butterfly watchers in recording your observations. From the rarest butterflies to the most common, your sightings contribute to conservation decisions, scientific knowledge, education, and more. Share your observation and make a difference.
It took less than a month for Terri Armata, one of our star butterfly atlas volunteers, to find and document the 119th butterfly species for Vermont and her 4th state record, a Zabulon Skipper (Lon zabulon).
A new species of moss for Vermont was recently discovered by high school student. Donn's Rock-Bristle (Seligeria donniana) was confirmed by an expert and added as the 471st moss species known from the state.
For years, reports have come in from southern Vermont of potential sightings of a prehistoric fish called Shortnose Sturgeon. The species is covered with bumpy ridges, can grow nearly the length of a bathtub. But no sightings of the federally endangered fish had been confirmed, until this summer.
Twenty years ago hundreds of community scientists joined us for the first Vermont Butterfly Atlas, heralding a new era for their conservation. Now with your help, we have the rare opportunity to understand long-term trends in butterfly populations across the state and help conserve them.
Join the AtlasIn 2024 thousands of iNaturalists added over 200,000 biodiversity records to the rapidly growing database of life in Vermont, helping us build the largest biodiversity database every assembled for the state. Read about some of the amazing discoveries and more.
In 2024 we had 90 observers report 96 butterfly species in 1,973 complete checklists comprising 7,590 butterfly occurrence records to e-Butterfly.org, our official atlas data portal. Overall, we now have over 3,800 checklists comprising more than 14,000 butterfly occurrence records!
By 2100, Vermont is estimated to experience a net loss of 386 species (or 6%), under the current carbon emission scenario. This comes among several key findings outlined in a new report. It marks the 10th Anniversary of the Vermont Atlas of Life. The report uses nearly 8 million observations from almost 12,000 species reported from across the state to help establish a biodiversity baseline for Vermont, critical for understanding and measuring future biodiversity changes.