In Vermont, Mining Bee diversity is at its lowest mid-summer. From late-June through early August, very few Mining Bees are likely to be encountered, with the exception of the introduced Wilke's Mining Bee.
Genus level ID: See the Mining Bee page for tips on separating other genera. In particular, compare the larger Furrow Bees (and similar Lasioglossum) as they are superficially similar to Wilke’s Mining Bee (and Mining Bees).
The species below represent the spectrum of Mining Bee species likely to be encountered during the height of summer, in rough order of abundance and distinctiveness. Click each box for more details on a given species.

Wilke's Mining Bee (Andrena wilkella)


Milwaukee Mining Bee (Andrena milwaukeensis)

Dwarf-dandelion Mining Bee (Andrena krigiana)
Thought to be a Dwarf-Dandelion specialist, the two VT records are both at least a hundred miles north of the known range of Dwarf-Dandelions. Image Courtesy USGS Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab

Virginia Mining Bee (Andrena virginiana)
Vermont records for this late summer bee are few and far between. Seems to have a strong preference for Spirea and be limited to the Champlain Valley. Image courtesy Micheal Veit
Unless otherwise specified, photos are courtesy of Margarita Miklasevskaja at PCYU with funding from NSERC-CANPOLIN. Specialization data primarily from
The table below is a complete list (as of February 2021) of all Mining Bee species confirmed for Vermont. Links (where present) will take you to individual species pages with natural history notes, identification tips, and a map.
All Vermont Mining Bees
Scientific Name | Common Name | Relative Abundance | Notes |
Andrena alleghaniensis | Allegheny Mining Bee | Uncommon | |
Andrena arabis | Mustard Miner Bee | Rare | Toothwort specialist, one confirmed record for VT |
Andrena asteris | Aster Mining Bee | Fairly Common | Aster specialist that can also be found on goldenrod |
Andrena barbilabris | Long-lipped Mining Bee | Uncommon | |
Andrena bisalicis | Eastern Willow Miner Bee | Uncommon | Willow specialist |
Andrena braccata | Uncommon | Associated with goldenrod | |
Andrena bradleyi | Bradley's Mining Bee | Uncommon | Favors blueberries, uncommon to rare in VT |
Andrena brevipalpis | Short-tongued Miner Bee | Uncommon | |
Andrena canadensis | Canadian Mining Bee | Rare | Fall composite specialist, very few records for VT |
Andrena carlini | Carlin's Mining Bee | Common | |
Andrena carolina | Carolina Miner Bee | Fairly Common | Blueberry specialist |
Andrena ceanothi | Ceanothus Miner Bee | Uncommon | |
Andrena clarkella | Clark's Mining Bee | Fairly Common | Distinctive willow specialist |
Andrena commoda | Advantaged Miner Bee | Uncommon | |
Andrena cornelli | Azalea Mining Bee | Rare | Rhododendron specialist, only known from one site in near the Massachusetts border |
Andrena crataegi | Hawthorn Mining Bee | Common | |
Andrena cressonii | Cresson's Mining Bee | Fairly Common | |
Andrena distans | Cranesbill Miner | Uncommon* | Wild Geranium specialist |
Andrena dunningi | Dunning's Mining Bee | Fairly Common | |
Andrena erigeniae | Spring Beauty Mining Bee | Fairly Common | Spring Beauty specialist |
Andrena erythrogaster | Red-tailed Mining Bee | Fairly Common | Willow specialist |
Andrena erythronii | Trout-lily Mining Bee | Fairly Common | Prefers trout-lily, though likely not a true specialist. Less widespread than trout-lilies in VT |
Andrena forbesii | Forbes' Mining Bee | Uncommon | |
Andrena fragilis | Fragile Dogwood Mining Bee | Uncommon | Dogwood specialist |
Andrena frigida | Frigid Mining Bee | Fairly Common | Willow specialist |
Andrena geranii | Waterleaf Mining Bee | Uncommon | Virginia Waterleaf specialist |
Andrena helianthi | Sunflower Mining Bee | Common | Sunflower specialist |
Andrena hippotes | Hippotes's Miner Bee | Fairly Common | |
Andrena hirticincta | Hairy-banded Mining Bee | Common | Composite specialist, common on goldenrod in the fall. |
Andrena imitatrix | Imitator Miner Bee | Fairly Common | |
Andrena integra | Short-haired Dogwood Mining Bee | Fairly Common | Dogwood specialist |
Andrena krigiana | Dwarf-dandelion Mining Bee | Rare | Thought to be a Dwarf Dandelion (Genus Krigia) specialist, though both of VT records are at least 100 miles from known Dwarf Dandelions. |
Andrena melanochroa | Rose Miner Bee | Uncommon | |
Andrena milwaukeensis | Milwaukee Mining Bee | Common | Common, distinctive spring species |
Andrena miranda | Singular Miner Bee | Fairly Common | |
Andrena miserabilis | Miserable Mining Bee | Common | |
Andrena nasonii | Nason's Mining Bee | Common | |
Andrena nida | Rare | Willow specialist, perhaps focusing on Sandbar Willow (Salix exigua). Few, if any recent records. |
Andrena nigrae | Black Miner Bee | Rare | Few, if any recent records. |
Andrena nigrihirta | Black-haired Miner Bee | Fairly Common | |
Andrena nivalis | Snowy Mining Bee | Common | |
Andrena nuda | Nude Mining Bee | Uncommon | |
Andrena parnassiae | Parnassia Miner | Uncommon* | Fen grass specialist, poorly known globally, but found several places in VT recently |
Andrena peckhami | Peckham's Mining Bee | Rare | |
Andrena perplexa | Perplexed Miner Bee | Uncommon | |
Andrena persimulata | Protuberance Miner Bee | Uncommon | |
Andrena placata | Peaceful Miner Bee | Fairly Common | |
Andrena platyparia | Plated Miner Bee | Uncommon | Dogwood specialist |
Andrena pruni | Cherry Mining Bee | Uncommon* | |
Andrena regularis | Regular Mining Bee | Fairly Common | |
Andrena robertsonii | Robertson's Miner Bee | Fairly Common | |
Andrena rufosignata | Brown-fovea Miner | Common | |
Andrena rugosa | Rugose Mining Bee | Common | |
Andrena salictaria | Small Willow Miner Bee | Fairly Common | Willow specialist |
Andrena sigmundi | Sigmund's Mining Bee | Uncommon | |
Andrena spiraeana | Goatsbeard Miner Bee | Fairly Common | |
Andrena vernalis | Rare | Golden Alexander specialist | |
Andrena vicina | Neighborly Mining Bee | Fairly Common | |
Andrena violae | Rare | Violet specialist | |
Andrena virginiana | Virginia Mining Bee | Uncommon | |
Andrena w-scripta | W-marked Miner Bee | Fairly Common | |
Andrena wheeleri | Wheeler's Miner Bee | Uncommon | |
Andrena wilkella | Wilke's Mining Bee | Common | Introduced |
Andrena ziziae | Golden-Alexanders Mining Bee | Common | Golden Alexander specialist |
Andrena nubecula | Cloudy-winged Mining Bee | Common | Fall, associated with Goldenrod |
Andrena mandibularis | Toothed Miner Bee | ||
Andrena thaspii | Parsnip Miner Bee | ||
Andrena ziziaeformis | Rare* | Cinquefoils and Appalachian Barren-Strawberry specialist. Known from one site in Rutland County. |
Please note that many of our datasets have not been published yet, so the maps are incomplete.