Species profiles present essential details about Vermont damselflies and dragonflies: when they fly, the habitats they prefer, and maps to where you might find them.
The table below links to profiles of 45 damselfly (Zygoptera) species and 101 dragonfly (Anisoptera) species. The list also includes two other suites of species: 1) those reported but lacking incontrovertible evidence and 2) solitary or very few sightings without evidence or suspicion of breeding (possible “vagrants” to Vermont).
Each profile begins with a short description of the species’ distribution and preferred habitat. We list Conservation Status, Flight Period (based on the first and last confirmed occurrences for the species in the state) and links to additional information. (A key to state conservation status codes can be found here.)
The Distribution Map for each species shows locations reported to Odonata Central. Blue dots refer to older, county-level occurrence data. Green dots indicate geo-referenced data. You can click on a map point to see attributes for any record.
Taxonomic Order | Common Name | Scientific Name | State Status | SGCN |
1 | River Jewelwing | Calopteryx aequabilis | S5 | |
2 | Superb Jewelwing | Calopteryx amata | S4 | |
3 | Ebony Jewelwing | Calopteryx maculata | S5 | |
4 | American Rubyspot | Hetaerina americana | S2S3 | SGCN |
5 | Great Spreadwing | Archilestes grandis | SNA | |
6 | Spotted Spreadwing | Lestes congener | S5 | |
7 | Northern Spreadwing | Lestes disjunctus | S5 | |
8 | Emerald Spreadwing | Lestes dryas | S5 | |
9 | Amber-winged Spreadwing | Lestes eurinus | S4 | |
10 | Sweetflag Spreadwing | Lestes forcipatus | S4S5 | |
11 | Elegant Spreadwing | Lestes inaequalis | S4S5 | |
12 | Slender Spreadwing | Lestes rectangularis | S5 | |
13 | Lyre-tipped Spreadwing | Lestes unguiculatus | S3S4 | |
14 | Swamp Spreadwing | Lestes vigilax | S5 | |
15 | Eastern Red Damsel | Amphiagrion saucium | S5 | |
16 | Blue-fronted Dancer | Argia apicalis | S3 | SGCN |
17 | Violet (Variable) Dancer | Argia fumipennis violacea | S5 | |
18 | Powdered Dancer | Argia moesta | S5 | |
19 | Aurora Damsel | Chromagrion conditum | S5 | |
20 | Subarctic Bluet | Coenagrion interrogatum | SHSU | SGCN |
21 | Taiga Bluet | Coenagrion resolutum | S4S5 | |
22 | River Bluet | Enallagma anna | SNR | |
23 | Rainbow Bluet | Enallagma antennatum | S2S3 | SGCN |
24 | Azure Bluet | Enallagma aspersum | S4 | |
24.1 | Double-striped Bluet | Enallagma basidens | SNA | |
25 | Boreal Bluet | Enallagma boreale | S4S5 | |
26 | Tule Bluet | Enallagma carunculatum | S5 | |
27 | Familiar Bluet | Enallagma civile | S4S5 | |
28 | Northern Bluet | Enallagma annexum | S3S4 | |
29 | Turquoise Bluet | Enallagma divagans | SNA | |
30 | Big Bluet | Enallagma durum | S1 | |
31 | Marsh Bluet | Enallagma ebrium | S5 | |
32 | Stream Bluet | Enallagma exsulans | S5 | |
33 | Skimming Bluet | Enallagma geminatum | S5 | |
34 | Hagen's Bluet | Enallagma hageni | S5 | |
35 | New England Bluet | Enallagma laterale | S1 | SGCN |
35.5 | Scarlet Bluet | Enallagma pictum | SNA | |
36 | Orange Bluet | Enallagma signatum | S5 | |
37 | Slender bluet | Enallagma traviatum | S1S2 | SGCN |
38 | Springtime Bluet | Enallagma vernale | S4 | SGCN |
39 | Vesper Bluet | Enallagma vesperum | S4 | |
40 | Citrine Forktail | Ischnura hastata | SNA | |
41 | Lilypad Forktail | Ischnura kellicotti | S1S2 | SGCN |
42 | Fragile Forktail | Ischnura posita | S4S5 | |
43 | Eastern Forktail | Ischnura verticalis | S5 | |
44 | Sphagnum Sprite | Nehalennia gracilis | S3 | |
45 | Sedge Sprite | Nehalennia irene | S5 | |
46 | Gray Petaltail | Tachopteryx thoreyi | SU | SGCN |
47 | Canada Darner | Aeshna canadensis | S5 | |
48 | Mottled Darner | Aeshna clepsydra | S2S3 | SGCN |
49 | Lance-tipped Darner | Aeshna constricta | S5 | |
50 | Lake Darner | Aeshna eremita | S4S5 | |
51 | Variable Darner | Aeshna interrupta | S5 | |
52 | Zigzag Darner | Aeshna sitchensis | SU | SGCN |
53 | Subarctic Darner | Aeshna subarctica | S1 | SGCN |
54 | Black-tipped Darner | Aeshna tuberculifera | S4 | |
55 | Shadow Darner | Aeshna umbrosa | S5 | |
56 | Green-striped Darner | Aeshna verticalis | S3S4 | SGCN |
57 | Common Green Darner | Anax junius | S5 | |
58 | Comet Darner | Anax longipes | SU | SGCN |
59 | Springtime Darner | Basiaeschna janata | S5 | |
60 | Ocellated Darner | Boyeria grafiana | S4 | |
61 | Fawn Darner | Boyeria vinosa | S5 | |
62 | Swamp Darner | Epiaeschna heros | SU | SGCN |
63 | Harlequin Darner | Gomphaeschna furcillata | S2S3 | SGCN |
64 | Cyrano Darner | Nasiaeschna pentacantha | S1 | SGCN |
65 | Spatterdock Darner | Rhionaeschna mutata | S1 | SGCN |
66 | Lilypad Clubtail | Arigomphus furcifer | S3S4 | |
67 | Unicorn Clubtail | Arigomphus villosipes | S3 | |
68 | Black-shouldered Spinyleg | Dromogomphus spinosus | S4S5 | |
69 | Spine-crowned Clubtail | Hylogomphus abbreviatus | S1S2 | SGCN |
70 | Mustached Clubtail | Hylogomphus adelphus | S3 | |
71 | Beaverpond Clubtail | Phanogomphus borealis | S4 | |
72 | Harpoon Clubtail | Phanogomphus descriptus | S3 | |
73 | Lancet Clubtail | Phanogomphus exilis | S4S5 | |
74 | Dusky Clubtail | Phanogomphus spicatus | S5 | |
75 | Ashy Clubtail | Phanogomphus lividus | S2S3 | |
76 | Rapids Clubtail | Phanogomphus quadricolor | S2 | SGCN |
77 | Midland Clubtail | Gomphurus fraternus | SNR | |
78 | Cobra Clubtail | Gomphurus vastus | S1 | SGCN |
79 | Skillet Clubtail | Gomphurus ventricosus | S1 | SGCN |
80 | Dragonhunter | Hagenius brevistylus | S3S4 | |
81 | N. Pygmy Clubtail | Lanthus parvulus | S4 | |
82 | S. Pygmy Clubtail | Lanthus vernalis | S3 | |
83 | Brook Snaketail | Ophiogomphus aspersus | S4 | SGCN |
84 | Riffle Snaketail | Ophiogomphus carolus | S4S5 | SGCN |
85 | Maine Snaketail | Ophiogomphus mainensis | S3 | SGCN |
86 | Rusty Snaketail | Ophiogomphus rupinsulensis | S3? | SGCN |
87 | Common Sanddragon | Progomphus obscurus | SNA | |
88 | Eastern Least Clubtail | Stylogomphus albistylus | S4 | |
89 | Riverine clubtail | Stylurus amnicola | S1 | SGCN |
90 | Zebra Clubtail | Stylurus scudderi | S3S4 | SGCN |
91 | Arrow Clubtail | Stylurus spiniceps | S3S4 | |
92 | Delta-spotted Spiketail | Cordulegaster diastatops | S5 | |
92.1 | Tiger Spiketail | Cordulegaster erronea | not ranked | |
93 | Twin-spotted Spiketail | Cordulegaster maculata | S5 | |
94 | Arrowhead Spiketail | Cordulegaster obliqua | S1S2 | |
95 | Stream Cruiser | Didymops transversa | S5 | |
96 | Swift (Illinois) River Cruiser | Macromia illinoiensis | S4 | |
97 | American Emerald | Cordulia shurtleffii | S5 | |
98 | Petite Emerald | Dorocordulia lepida | S3 | SGCN |
99 | Racket-tailed Emerald | Dorocordulia libera | S5 | |
100 | Beaverpond Baskettail | Epitheca canis | S5 | |
101 | Common Baskettail | Epitheca cynosura | S5 | |
102 | Prince Baskettail | Epitheca princeps | S5 | |
103 | Spiny Baskettail | Epitheca spinigera | S4 | |
104 | Uhler's Sundragon | Helocordulia uhleri | S3S4 | |
105 | Stygian Shadowdragon | Neurocordulia yamaskanensis | S3 | SGCN |
106 | Ringed Emerald | Somatochlora albicincta | S1 | SGCN |
107 | Lake Emerald | Somatochlora cingulata | S1S2 | SGCN |
108 | Ski-tipped Emerald | Somatochlora elongata | S3 | SGCN |
109 | Forcipate Emerald | Somatochlora forcipata | S2S3 | SGCN |
110 | Delicate Emerald | Somatochlora franklini | S1S2 | SGCN |
110.5 | Incurvate Emerald | Somatochlora incurvata | SU | |
111 | Kennedy's Emerald | Somatochlora kennedyi | S1S2 | SGCN |
112 | Ocellated Emerald | Somatochlora minor | S2 | |
113 | Clamp-tipped Emerald | Somatochlora tenebrosa | S3S4 | |
114 | Brush-tipped Emerald | Somatochlora walshii | S4 | |
115 | Williamson's Emerald | Somatochlora williamsoni | S3S4 | |
116 | Ebony Boghaunter | Williamsonia fletcheri | S1S2 | SGCN |
117 | Calico Pennant | Celithemis elisa | S5 | |
118 | Halloween Pennant | Celithemis eponina | S4 | |
119 | Banded Pennant | Celithemis fasciata | SNR | |
120 | Common (Eastern) Pondhawk | Erythemis simplicicollis | S5 | |
121 | White Corporal | Ladona exusta | SU | SGCN |
122 | Chalk-fronted Corporal | Ladona julia | S5 | |
123 | Frosted Whiteface | Leucorrhinia frigida | S4S5 | |
124 | Crimson-ringed Whiteface | Leucorrhinia glacialis | S4 | |
125 | Hudsonian Whiteface | Leucorrhinia hudsonica | S4S5 | |
126 | Dot-tailed Whiteface | Leucorrhinia intacta | S5 | |
127 | Belted (Red-waisted) Whiteface | Leucorrhinia proxima | S4S5 | |
128 | Spangled Skimmer | Libellula cyanea | S2 | |
129 | Slaty Skimmer | Libellula incesta | S5 | |
130 | Widow Skimmer | Libellula luctuosa | S5 | |
131 | Twelve-spotted Skimmer | Libellula pulchella | S5 | |
132 | Four-spotted Skimmer | Libellula quadrimaculata | S5 | |
133 | Painted Skimmer | Libellula semifasciata | SU | SGCN |
134 | Elfin Skimmer | Nannothemis bella | S3 | |
135 | Blue Dasher | Pachydiplax longipennis | S5 | |
136 | Wandering Glider | Pantala flavescens | S3S4B | |
137 | Spot-winged Glider | Pantala hymenaea | S3S4B | |
138 | Eastern Amberwing | Perithemis tenera | S4S5 | |
139 | Common Whitetail | Plathemis lydia | S5 | |
140 | Saffron-winged Meadowhawk | Sympetrum costiferum | S3 | |
141 | Black Meadowhawk | Sympetrum danae | S1S2 | SGCN |
142 | Cherry-faced Meadowhawk | Sympetrum internum | S5 | |
143 | White-faced Meadowhawk | Sympetrum obtrusum | S5 | |
144 | Band-winged Meadowhawk | Sympetrum semicinctum | S4S5 | |
145 | Autumn Meadowhawk | Sympetrum vicinum | S5 | |
146 | Carolina Saddlebags | Tramea carolina | SNA | |
147 | Black Saddlebags | Tramea lacerata | S4B |