Vermont Damselfly and Dragonfly Field Checklist
This field card includes Odonata species compiled by the Vermont Damselfly and Dragonfly Survey. Use it in the field to keep track of your sightings. Print the two-page document front-to-back. Download the card (PDF) »

A Checklist of North American Dragonflies and Damselflies
Compiled and written by Dennis R. Paulson and Sidney W. Dunkle, this 2016 edition of the checklist includes all 466 species of North American Odonata considered valid at this time. For each species the original citation, English name, type locality, etymology of both scientific and English names, and approximate distribution are given. Literature citations for original descriptions of all species are given in the appended list of references. Download a PDF »

Finding the Striped Emeralds (Somatochlora) in the Northeast
This newsletter is no longer published, but this edition included a particularly helpful article about finding striped emeralds in the genus Somatochlora. Download the PDF »

Bryan's Odonata Internet Resource List
An Odonata internet resource list compiled (in no particular order) by Bryan Pfeiffer. Download PDF »

Wanted Poster: Ringed Boghaunter (Williamsonia lintneri)
It is exceedingly rare and has never been found in Vermont. But it may be somewhere in the state. Print this poster out with images and tips for finding it...and dream big! Download the poster »

A Simple Family Key to Anisoptera Nymphs of the Northeast
A simple pictorial key to help you identify nymphs to family in the Northeast. Warning, collecting and IDing nymphs can be addictive! Download PDF »