This simplified key is intended to help identify the majority of the of Bumble Bees found in Vermont (and the northeast). Not all individuals will be identifiable from photographs and occasional individuals will break the patterns outline below.
Refer to the introductory page for general tips and Bumble Bee terminology.
Color of the Abdomen
The categories below refer only to the abdomen (the last major body part). Clicking on an image will bring up the possible species. A few species appear in multiple categories.
Any amount of red
Two species in Vermont have obvious red hairs on their abdomens.
> 50% black
The most common species, especially around human development, are mostly black on the abdomen with a single yellow band. One rare species in this group occasionally has an all black abdomen.
~ 50% black
A large portion of individuals, especially in cooler and more wooded parts of the state, are roughly half yellow and half black on the abdomen.
< 50% black
A few less common species are predominately or entirely yellow.
Mixed yellow and black bands (or all black)
A couple species can occasionally have a variable mix of black and yellow stripes.
All photos on this page courtesy Kent McFarland