Included here are three species with the first two abdominal segments yellow and the remainder black.

Half-black Bumble Bee (Bombus vagans)
This is a relatively common species that is very hard to distinguish from Sanderson's Bumble Bee. Both have yellow wing pits and some black between the wings. Photo © Kent McFarland

Perplexing Bumble Bee (Bombus perplexus)
Females are often a bold egg yolk color, with a small or non-existent black dot with black wing pits. Males are often bright yellow with yellow hairs on much of their abdomen. Photo © Kent McFarland

Sanderson's Bumble Bee (Bombus sandersoni)
Very similar to and much rarer than Half-black Bumble Bees. Has a short face. © Margarita Miklasevskaja at PCYU