The success of VPAtlas is dependent upon volunteers to help field-verify potential pools that have been mapped remotely. In addition, we encourage people to report the location of vernal pools they already know about or discover.
In 2021, VCE and Green Mountain National Forest (GMNF) are collaborating to field-verify and map vernal pools on the Telephone Gap IRP Area in Chittenden, VT.
We need your help to visit remote-sensed “potential” pools within the study area to confirm whether they are vernal pools or not. We also want to know about vernal pools that do not appear on VPAtlas.
Download the VPAtlas Data Sheet to know what information we need to confirm a VP.
The georectified maps below can be used in Avenza to navigate to remote-sensed “potential pools,” which are indicated on the map along with their Pool IDs.
Visit the GMNF Telephone Gap webpage for more info.
To participate, contact GMNF biologist Sue Staats for more information.
NOTE: The Telephone Gap project area includes private property. Please respect landowners and obtain permission before trespassing.
During the first four years of the project (2009-2012), more than 4,800 “potential” vernal pools were mapped statewide. Of those, nearly 900 have been field-verified.
In 2020 we introduced VPAtlas to archive field-verified and potential pools, and encourage citizens to participate and increase our knowledge about vernal pool locations in Vermont.
VPAtlas is currently in Beta release and still under development. Visitors and users may encounter unexpected issues when using the site during the next 6-12 months, as we work to eliminate bugs and add additional features. We welcome visitors to the site and encourage users to begin adding pool data. Please contact for any questions or to report software issues.
To download data sheets, amphibian identification aids, and additional information visit the Volunteer Materials page.