Although this is the most extensive atlas of Vermont Odonata ever assembled, our work is never done. You can help.
The table below features dragonflies and damselflies for which we have little or no data, including the Distinguished Dozen — species of high conservation value that we’re targeting in the 2018 field season. Some of the dozen we suspect are flying in the state but have yet to be discovered. To help you keep track of what you find, we’ve published a new checklist to the 145 Vermont dragonfly and damselfly species. And as you find them, please report your sighting to us. Thanks!
Taxonomic Order | Common Name | Scientific Name | Verified Records | Distinguished Dozen |
1 | Great Spreadwing | Archilestes grandis | None | |
2 | Subarctic Bluet | Coenagrion interrogatum | Few | Yes |
3 | River Bluet | Enallagma anna | Few | Yes |
4 | Double-striped Bluet | Enallagma basidens | Few | |
5 | Turquoise Bluet | Enallagma divagans | None | |
6 | Big Bluet | Enallagma durum | Few | |
7 | New England Bluet | Enallagma laterale | Few | Yes |
8 | Slender Bluet | Enallagma traviatum | Few | |
9 | Citrine Forktail | Ischnura hastata | Few | |
10 | Gray Petaltail | Tachopteryx thoreyi | None | |
11 | Zigzag Darner | Aeshna sitchensis | Few | |
12 | Subarctic Darner | Aeshna subarctica | Few | |
13 | Comet Darner | Anax longipes | Few | |
14 | Cyrano Darner | Nasiaeschna pentacantha | Few | Yes |
15 | Skillet Clubtail | Gomphus ventricosus | Few | |
16 | Midland Clubtail | Gomphus fraternus | Few | |
17 | Cobra Clubtail | Gomphus vastus | Few | |
18 | Pygmy Snaketail | Ophiogomphus howei | None | Yes |
19 | Extra-striped Snaketail | Ophiogomphus anomalus | None | |
20 | Common Sanddragon | Progomphus obscurus | None | Yes |
21 | Riverine Clubtail | Stylurus amnicola | Few | |
22 | Arrow Clubtail | Stylurus spiniceps | Few | |
22.1 | Tiger Spiketail | Cordulegaster erronea | One | Yes |
22.2 | Petite Emerald | Dorocordulia lepida | Few | Yes |
23 | Lake Emerald | Somatochlora albicincta | Few | |
24 | Incurvate Emerald | Somatochlora incurvata | One | Yes |
25 | Ringed Boghaunter | Williamsonia lintneri | None | |
26 | Umber Shadowdragon | Neurocordulia obsoleta | None | |
27 | Banded Pennant | Celithemis fasciata | Few | |
28 | White Corporal | Ladona exusta | None | Yes |
29 | Painted Skimmer | Libellula semifasciata | Few | |
30 | Black Meadowhawk | Sympetrum danae | Few | Yes |
31 | Ruby Meadowhawk | Sympetrum rubicundulum | None | Yes |
32 | Carolina Saddlebags | Tramea carolina | Few |