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New Lady Beetle Discovered in Vermont

July 29, 2021

When he looked inside, he saw a small, black beetle with elongated spots. “I walked over to Kent and asked if he knew what species this was,” said Nathaniel. “Kent responded that he was not sure, so he took the beetle home to identify it.” “Yeah as soon as I saw the thing I just had this feeling that this lady beetle was something special and knew that I had to take it back with me,” said Kent.

New Butterfly Species for Vermont Reported to eButterfly

July 29, 2021

Terri Armata, one of Vermont’s most ardent butterfly watchers, discovered the 115th species for Vermont, a Cloudless Sulphur. Read more about her discovery and the amazing butterfly.

New Bees Discovered in Vermont with Worldwide Teamwork

July 2, 2021

The Vermont Wild Bee Survey has amassed over 50,000 bee records and discovered over 50 new bee species for the state in just two years. It takes an entire village to discover bees–volunteer naturalists, field biologists, and bee identification experts. Three new bee discoveries in June highlights the teamwork.

First Annual West Virginia White Watch a Success

June 23, 2021

Butterfly watchers joined us this spring on our West Virginia White Watch, one of the many Vermont Atlas of Life missions, to help us monitor this conservation concern species by submitting checklist surveys to eButterfly.

Vermont Lady Beetle BioBlitz

June 18, 2021

Last week over 60 volunteers searched from backyards to mountaintops as part of the weeklong Vermont Lady Beetle BioBlitz to help find and photograph as many of these charming beetles as possible.

Vermont Wild Bee Survey Discovers New Pollinators for the State

May 20, 2021

The survey has added about 50 new bee species to the state checklist over the last two years and will likely add many more as field surveys continue and historic collections are closely examined. You can help too! Join our survey. It’s as easy as snapping a photo with your smartphone.

Vermont Lady Beetle BioBlitz (and more!)

May 5, 2021

Did you know there are over 400 native ladybug (aka lady beetle) species in North America or that there are 35 native species (at least) in the state of Vermont? Unfortunately, native lady beetles are in decline across North America and in Vermont. In fact, 12 of our native species have not been seen in Vermont in over 40 years! Join us in our search for lost ladybugs.

Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease May Threaten Vermont’s Rabbits and Hares

April 19, 2021

The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department says a disease affecting rabbits and hares previously found in western states may be moving eastward.  Rabbit hemorrhagic disease (RHDV2) is a virus known to be extremely lethal to wild and domestic rabbits, including cottontail rabbits and snowshoe hares.  

Vermont Town Birding Challenge

April 7, 2021

Vermont’s 251 towns offer up a vast array of habitats and birdlife. Recently, Vermont birder Bob Heitzman accomplished his goal of birding in each of Vermont’s 251 towns, a monumental achievement! Learn how focusing your birding efforts at the town level can be rewarding in so many different ways.

Learn How to use eButterfly: Join an Upcoming Live Webinar or Watch One Recorded!

April 1, 2021

Every time butterfly watchers raise binoculars and cameras to record a butterfly sighting, they collect important data. We invite you to join us for one of our webinars that will demonstrate how to use eButterfly and answer any of your questions.

VAL Observation Helps Identify New Leaf Mining Moth Genus

March 19, 2021

While exploring the LaPlatte River Marsh Natural Area in the fall of 2019, VCE’s Bee Biologist Spencer Hardy noticed a Virginia Creeper with an interesting pair of leaf mines on it. A recent study found it to be part of a new moth Genus and new species for Vermont.

New Butterfly Species Found in Vermont

March 15, 2021

Fifteen years after it was first discover near Montreal, Canada, the European Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus) has been found in Vermont. On September 5, 2020 David Barrington captured an image of the species at Alburg Dunes State Park.