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From Panama to the Arctic a New eButterfly is Here

May 21, 2020

It’s been over a year in the making. We’re excited to announce a completely new and retooled eButterfly. Now you can track butterflies you’ve seen from Panama to the Caribbean and north to the far reaches of the arctic, covering over 3,000 species of butterflies.

VCE Kicks Off New Project with Backyard Lady Beetle Blitz in May

May 4, 2020

Help us kick launch the Vermont Lady Beetle Atlas. From May 15th to 18th to participate in the Backyard Lady Beetle Blitz. Participating in the Backyard Lady Beetle Blitz is as easy as search, photograph, and upload!

Join the Vermont Spring Backyard BioBlitz on iNaturalist

April 17, 2020

Discover the natural world right at home! Though we may be physically distanced this season, we’re still a united community of curious nature lovers and naturalists. From April 20th through May 20th, we invite you to join the Vermont Spring Backyard BioBlitz!

Crested Caracara in Vermont

Rare Crested Caracara Visits Vermont

April 17, 2020

On March 23, 2018 Mark Bessette surprised the Vermont iNaturalist community. Mark had snapped some photographs of an unusual-looking bird that he dubbed, “Elvis, the juvenile bald eagle.”  The bird appeared to have a black wig that reminded Mark of the “King of Rock and Roll,” Elvis Presley. The iNaturalist community was quick to weigh in on the real identity of this bird. To seasoned birders, it easily stood out as a misplaced Crested Caracara.

Discover the Bees in Your Backyard this Spring

April 8, 2020

Despite the human world grinding to a halt in the past month, spring is still on schedule. As evidence, two bee species were reported to the Vermont Atlas of Life on iNaturalist in March – Frigid Mining Bee (Andrena frigida) and Tricolored Bumble Bee (Bombus ternarius) – and many more will soon be flying! Spencer Hardy, VCE’s Vermont Wild Bee Survey Project Coordinator, shares a video from the field, and how you can get involved in the Vermont Wild Bee Survey.

Join Our Spring Wildflower Phenology Annotation Blitz!

April 3, 2020

Long-term flowering records initiated by Henry David Thoreau in 1852 have been used in Massachusetts to monitor phenological changes. You can be like Thoreau right from home! There are thousands of images of plants that observers like you have added to the Vermont Atlas of Life on iNaturalist. But, they have not been annotated so that we can easily track phenology.

Vermont eBirders Gather Big Bird Data During County Quest

January 20, 2020

From day one when eBirders reported an incredible 73 bird species on a cold winter day to a Say’s Phoebe, a rare visitor found in late November, Vermont birders scoured the state to discover as many bird species as possible during the 9th annual Vermont eBird County Quest, and set some records along the way.

Naturalist Help the Vermont Atlas of Life Build Biodiversity Big Data in 2019

January 2, 2020

From the first observation of 2019, a Barred Owl sitting on a deck submitted by naturalist extraordinaire Roy Pilcher, to a Christmas Fern laying on snow shared by Bondaley on the last day of the year, naturalists added over 100,000 biodiversity records to our rapidly growing database of life in Vermont.

Vermont Wild Bee Survey Records Over 9,000 Bees in 2019

December 8, 2019

The Vermont Wild Bee Survey reached a milestone when it processed the 7,680th and final bee specimen from our 2019 survey. In just one year, this citizen science effort has amassed the largest collection of bees ever assembled in Vermont.

A Lifetime of Beetles

December 1, 2019

A lifetime of work on the ground beetles of Vermont and New Hampshire, Carabidae of Vermont and New Hampshire by Ross T. Bell, Professor Emeritus of the University of Vermont with species maps produced by the Vermont Atlas of Life at VCE, is now available as a PDF.

Team Pipit’s Extraordinary Birding Feat: 150 species in all 14 Vermont Counties

November 26, 2019

Fred (Pat) Pratt of Team Pipit completed an extraordinary birding feat on November 25, notching his 150th species of 2019 in Bennington County, with a pair of Northern Shovelers. This discovery earned Pat the 14th Star Award, as the first birder ever to record 150 species in all 14 Vermont counties during a single calendar year. Congratulations to Team Pipit for a truly inspiring accomplishment!

Asian Tiger Mosquito Found in Vermont

October 4, 2019

State Agriculture and Health officials announced that the Asian Tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) has been identified for the first time in Vermont. This normally tropical/subtropical species is a known disease vector for Zika, chikungunya and dengue viruses, infecting humans in countries where these diseases are present. The mosquitoes found in Vermont do not currently carry these viruses.