This is one of the few Nomada Cuckoo Bees that is relatively easy to identify. The name referrers to a missing vein in the wing that makes this species unique in having only two submarginal cells. It is known to parasitize the Red-tailed Mining Bee, which is a Willow specialist.

Identification: Generally a brightly colored bee. Females are one of a few species with a yellow scuttellum. Both sexes are best identified by the wing with only two submarginal cells.

Similar Species: 

Known or Suspected Hosts: Red-tailed Mining Bee (Andrena erythrogaster)

Global Status: Not Ranked

Vermont Status: Not Ranked


For more information, visit the following links:

Discover Life
Living Atlas Species Page

Distribution: To see the global distribution, check out the iNaturalist account, and toggle the GBIF layer on the map.