This is a large, generally southern Metallic Sweat Bee. It occurs sporadically in western Chittenden County and may eventually be found in other warm parts of the state. Readily Identifiable from macro photos, but the most distinctive feature is on the underside of the head.
Identification: This is a large (by Dialictus standards – 6-7mm), coarsely sculpture species. The most distinctive feature is the divergent hypostomal carinae, which is two ridges on the underside of the head that are parallel in most species, but only visible from the underside. T2-T5 have large hair patches.
Similar Species: Cresson’s Dialictus (Lasioglossum cressonii) – similar in color, hair pattern, and size, but has parallel hypostomal carinae. Much more common.
Global Status: Secure (G5)
Vermont Status: Not Ranked
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Living Atlas Species Page
Distribution: To see the global distribution, check out the iNaturalist account, and toggle the GBIF layer on the map.