This is a common early spring species found statewide in a variety of habitats. Females are occasionally confused with small bumble bees as they share a similar pattern of light and dark hairs.
Identification: As with most Melandrena females, this is a relatively large mining bee with pale hairs on the thorax and a dark abdomen. The hairs on top of the thorax of Carlin’s Mining Bee are paler than most other Melandrena, but the sides of the abdomen are covered in dark hairs. Males are unique within this subgenus in that they have a small amount of black hairs on the sides of their face.
Similar Species: Regular Mining Bee (Andrena regularis) females are very similar but tend to have more pale hairs on the sides of there abdomen.
Global Status: G5 – Secure
Vermont Status: Not Ranked
For more information, visit the following links:
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Living Atlas Species Page
To see the global distribution, check out the iNaturalist account, and toggle the GBIF layer on the map.
Unless otherwise specified, specimen photos in the grid are courtesy of Margarita Miklasevskaja at PCYU with funding from NSERC-CANPOLIN.