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Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)
- Status in VT: Increased by 1,200% (0 to 12 blocks). Greatest increases in Champlain Valley, Northern Green Mountains, and Northern Vermont Piedmont.
- Data from other research: VFWD: 38 pairs in 2008
- Conservation status: State rank S3B; SGCN-H
- Other atlases: NY: 2 to 62 pairs; PA: 3 to 26 pairs; MD: 157%
- VT’s role in North American range: VT is within the core of the range.
- Causes of change since first Atlas:Reintroduction through hacking; elimination of DDT from the food chain; protection through endangered species status.
- Management/Monitoring recommendations:Continued monitoring of occupancy and productivity; periodic testing of un-hatched eggs for contaminant testing; reduce human disturbance through seasonal cliff closures and protection of nest sites. See Vermont Peregrine Falcon Recovery Project
First Vermont Breeding Bird Atlas (1976-1981)
Species Account
Second Vermont Breeding Bird Atlas (2003 – 2007)
Change in Distribution
Vermont eBird
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