- Status in VT: Decreased by 21% (34 to 27 blocks). Greatest decrease in blocks in Champlain Valley.
- Data from other research: No additional data for VT.
- Conservation status: State rank S2B; S3N; SGCN-M
- Other atlases: NY: -20%; PA: -27%; ON: -40%
- VT’s role in North American range: VT is within the core of the range.
- Causes of change since first Atlas: Habitat fragmentation (?); decrease in prey base (Ruffed Grouse and snowshoe hare) (?).
- Management/Monitoring recommendations:Protect existing nest sites; maintain large tracts of forest land.
First Vermont Breeding Bird Atlas (1976-1981)
Second Vermont Breeding Bird Atlas (2003 – 2007)
Change in Distribution