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Common Raven (Corvus corax)
- Status in VT: Increased by 94% (85 to 165 blocks). Greatest increases in Vermont Valley, Southern Vermont Piedmont, and Champlain Valley.
- Data from other research: No additional data for VT.
- Conservation status: State rank S3
- Other atlases: NY and ON: expanded distribution
- VT’s role in North American range: VT is near the southeastern edge of the range.
- Causes of change since first Atlas:Continuation of trend due to protection against persecution; forest re-growth; healthy deer population (food source).
- Management/Monitoring recommendations: No specific recommendations.
Population Trends

First Vermont Breeding Bird Atlas (1976-1981)
Species Account
Second Vermont Breeding Bird Atlas (2003 – 2007)

Change in Distribution

Vermont eBird
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