- Concerns have been raised only recently for this group of species, which has generally declined in eastern North America. Whether causes are truly related to food resources is unknown. Concern strongest in Canada.
- Common Nighthawk being added to state Endangered list, Whip-poor-will will be at least Threatened. SSC: Olive-sided Flycatcher, Purple Martin. Several other species are SGCN.
- Environment Canada and Bird Studies Canada held a workshop in 2009 to outline and prioritize research objectives.
- Targeted monitoring will be essential to better track population trends and help refine hypotheses about limiting factors.
- Surveys of Bank Swallow, Chimney Swift, Common Nighthawk, and Whip-poor-will have been initiated in Ontario.
- Vermont participates in important US Northeast Nightjar Monitoring Program, initiated in 2003.
- Monitoring of swifts and swallows is needed in the state and region.
- Research needed to address possible limiting factors during migration and on the wintering grounds for long-distance migrants
- For Whip-poor-wills, maintain and create open areas and forest-field edge, particularly where the species is already known to breed.
- Creating urban rooftop nest sites for Common Nighthawks through installation of gravel patches has so far been largely unsuccessful, but continued efforts may be warranted given that the potential for natural habitat may be limited in the state.
- Establish artificial chimneys Chimney Swifts.
- Protect nest sites for swallows through river bank stabilization and tolerance of nests in human structures.
- Protect Purple Martin houses from competitors to ensure nest sites remain available.