Known locations with biophysical regions depicted by black lines and counties by gray lines.

Known locations with biophysical regions depicted by black lines and counties by gray lines.

This species is rare throughout its range in the Northeast. No records known for Vermont, but an historic specimen known from nearby in Hanover, NH. B. insularis is parasitic with several hosts in the Northeast (B. fervidus and B. ternarius) and even more host species in the western part of its range. The female will sometimes take over more than one colony in a season. Due to its ability to parasitize so many different host species, B. insularis is not of conservation concern at this time.

Select food plants: Solidago (Goldenrods), Melilotus (Sweet Clovers), Vaccinium, Trifolium (Clovers)

Tongue Length: short
Hosts: B. pensylvanicus, B. rufocinctus, B. ternarius, B. terricola
Similar Species: B. fernaldae

General Phenology:
females: May – August
males: July – September

Conservation Ranking:
Global: G4G5

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