This distinctive bee is a sure sign of a healthy Squash Bee (Peponapis pruinosa) population. This species was first documented in VT in 2019 and was found at two more sites in 2021. It remains poorly documented in New England, though could turn up on additional farms and community gardens, especially those with areas of sandy soil for its host to nest.

Identification: The thick bands of cream-colored hair are distinctive, as is the black, anchor-shaped mark on the thorax.

Similar Species: More likely to be mistaken for a wasp than most other bees.

Known or Suspected Hosts: Pruinose Squash Bee (Peponapis Pruinosa)

Global Status: Not Ranked

Vermont Status: Not Ranked


For more information, visit the following links:

Discover Life
Living Atlas Species Page


Distribution: To see the global distribution, check out the iNaturalist account, and toggle the GBIF layer on the map.