
Conservation Status
Vermont S2, SGCN
Global G4

North American Range
Scattered populations along the Atlantic coast from western Massachusetts and southeastern New York south to northeastern Florida, west to northeast Texas, and north to southeastern North Dakota, northern Wisconsin, southern Ontario, and southern Quebec.

An elusive skipper of calcareous wetlands, Dion Skipper colonies are rare in Vermont. It is a powerful flier making this species a good short distance colonizer. It is, however, almost never numerous, so local extirpations may occur frequently. Males are territorial and perch in marshes, generally in the afternoon, looking for females.


A large skipper. Upperside of male forewing is dark brown with a central orange area and a black stigma; female forewing is dark brown with light orange spots. Hindwing is dark brown with a wide orange streak. Underside of hindwing.


One brood in the north, and two to three south of New Jersey. One flight with peak in mid July during VBS. Extreme dates: 1 July 2006 and 2 August 2004 in Grand Isle (D. Hoag).

Distribution and Habitat

Widespread throughout the eastern United States, it was only found west of the Green Mountains during VBS with the exception of one colony in southeastern Vermont. Only found in calcareous sedge wetlands, its host plants are narrow-leaved sedges such as Tussock Sedge (Carex stricta) and adults nectar on Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis), Jewelweed (Impatiens), and Swamp Thistle (Cirsium muticum).dionskipdionskipchart-2

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