The first Vermont Breeding Bird Atlas Project (1976-81) represents the most complete set of baseline data gathered on the nesting birds of Vermont, and one of the first sets of statewide information on breeding birds ever gathered in the United States. Data were collected by 200 volunteers, including members of the seven Vermont chapters of the National Audubon Society and of the Vermont Institute of Natural Science (VINS) research staff, who spent six summers in the field. This volume was the first state or provincial breeding bird atlas to be published in North America (1985).

Below, you will find downloadable PDF files of each species account. You will also find introductory material that explains the methodologies used during this first atlas effort, appendices, and more. Or, the entire book can be downloaded as one PDF file.

Explore the first VBBA database

Atlas Contents





Species Accounts


A. Vermont Geography and Ecology
B. Plants Cited in the Text
C. Animals (Other than Birds) Cited in the Text
D. Northeastern Breeding Bird Atlas Conference Recommendations
E. Orders and Families of Birds Confirmed as Breeders in Vermont