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Posts About eButterfly

Vermont Monarch Monitoring Blitz Volunteers Report Robust Populations

This year, during the Vermont Monarch Monitoring Blitz from July 28 to August 8, over 25 people helped the Vermont Atlas of Life capture a snapshot of late summer Monarch populations and productivity across the state as part of the international effort.

New Butterfly Species for Vermont Reported to eButterfly

Terri Armata, one of Vermont’s most ardent butterfly watchers, discovered the 115th species for Vermont, a Cloudless Sulphur. Read more about her discovery and the amazing butterfly.

First Annual West Virginia White Watch a Success

Butterfly watchers joined us this spring on our West Virginia White Watch, one of the many Vermont Atlas of Life missions, to help us monitor this conservation concern species by submitting checklist surveys to eButterfly.

Learn How to use eButterfly: Join an Upcoming Live Webinar or Watch One Recorded!

Every time butterfly watchers raise binoculars and cameras to record a butterfly sighting, they collect important data. We invite you to join us for one of our webinars that will demonstrate how to use eButterfly and answer any of your questions.

New Butterfly Species Found in Vermont

Fifteen years after it was first discover near Montreal, Canada, the European Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus) has been found in Vermont. On September 5, 2020 David Barrington captured an image of the species at Alburg Dunes State Park.

A Giant Leap Northward for a Butterfly

It’s hard to miss a giant. In 2010 when the largest butterfly in North America fluttered among Ardys Fisher’s flowers at the end of July, she knew it was something neat. Now, our study published in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution this week shows an unusually rapid northward range shift by the Eastern Giant Swallowtail over the last two decades.

2020 eButterfly Year in Review

From the first observation of 2020, a Gulf Fritillary nectaring on the Gulf coast of Florida submitted by Gary Leavens, to a Long-tailed Skipper nectaring at the end of December shared by mbspang, butterfly watchers added over 38,500 butterfly records to the ever growing eButterfly database of checklists. The reports fluttered in all summer long. We had more than 8,300 checklists with over 22,000 photographs comprising 523 species of butterflies reported during the year.

American Redstart Photo Credit: Julia Pupko

Lunchtime Learning

Join Community Science Outreach Naturalist Julia Pupko every Wednesday at noon for an hour of iNaturalist, Vermont eBird, and eButterfly help, with some Vermont natural history topics on the side!

Join the International Monarch Monitoring Blitz

Join thousands of volunteers in Canada, Mexico and the United States, from July 24 to August 2, 2020 for the 4th annual International Monarch Monitoring Blitz. With limited ability to do field work due to COVID-19 restrictions, researchers need your observations now more than ever.

From Panama to the Arctic a New eButterfly is Here

It’s been over a year in the making. We’re excited to announce a completely new and retooled eButterfly. Now you can track butterflies you’ve seen from Panama to the Caribbean and north to the far reaches of the arctic, covering over 3,000 species of butterflies.