Tiny and easy to overlook. Sand, ground-cherries or tomatillos, and good eyes are needed to find this bee.
Identification: This is a tiny species. Females are the only all black Perdita likely in VT, and can distinguished from other genera by the long face and pollen held in round, damp looking clumps on their hind legs. Males have yellow on the face and legs, plus two yellow dots on the abdomen.
Similar Species: The only other Perdita species known from VT is the Eight-spotted Miner Bee (Perdita octomaculata) which is a widespread, fall composite specialist. Both males and females have more yellow than Perdita halictoides. Perdita novaeangliae, A He-Huckleberry (genus Lyonia) specialist may occur in southwest VT, near its host plant.
Global Status: Not Ranked
Vermont Status: S2
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Living Atlas Species Page
Distribution: To see the global distribution, check out the iNaturalist account, and toggle the GBIF layer on the map.