As the name implies, this bee is a specialist on Waterleaf. In Vermont, this means Virginia Waterleaf (Hydrophyllum virginianum) which is a woodland flower with an inconspicuous June flower.

Virginia Waterleaf is probably easiest to find in April and May when the young leaves are distinctively spotted. To find this bee, its worth noting locations with abundant Waterleaf leaves, and returning in early to mid-June.

Identification: Best identified in conjunction with its host flower. Look for a medium-small Andrena with brown hairs on the thorax and indistinct white hair bands on the abdomen.

Similar Species: Most closely related to the Black-haired Miner Bee (Andrena nigrihirta), but superficially similar to several other spring Mining Bees.

Global Status: Not Ranked

Vermont Status: Not Ranked


For more information, visit the following links:

Discover Life
Living Atlas Species Page


To see the global distribution, check out the iNaturalist account, and toggle the GBIF layer on the map. This map shows both Virginia Waterleaf (gray) and Waterleaf Miner (blue).