
Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department
USGS-Patuxent Wildlife Research Center (PWRC) and National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII)
The Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources  at the University of Vermont
Audubon Vermont
Northwoods Stewardship Center
Vermont Institute of Natural Science (VINS)
North Branch Nature Center


Major financial support was provided by the  Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department, the Nongame Wildlife Fund, the State Wildlife Grants (SWG) Program, and by individual donors.

Vermont Botanical and Bird Club
Mascoma Savings Bank
Galbraith Environmental Services
Vermont Woods Studio

Major Contributors

McCormick Foundation
In loving memory of Bird, a passionate birder and conservationist who embodied citizen science long before the term was coined.
Byrne Foundation
Emily Landecker Foundation
Lintilhac Foundation