Known locations with biophysical regions depicted by black lines and counties by gray lines.

Known locations with biophysical regions depicted by black lines and counties by gray lines.

B. rufocinctus is a common northern species. The southernmost tip of its range in the east reaches only as far as northern Illinois. This species’ range extends to the western United States where it is also common and does not appear to be declining. Queens emerge late in spring and colonies continue into September.

Select food plants: Trifolium (Clovers), Melilotus (Sweet Clovers), Cirsium (Thistles), Solidago (Goldenrods), Eupatorium, Asters

Tongue Length: short
Nest: nests underground and on surface of ground
Parasitized by: B. variabilis
Similar Species: Confused with several species. Highly variable color and pattern variation.

General Phenology:
queens: May – September
workers: June – September
males: July – September

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