A Lifetime of Beetles in a New Book
December 01, 2015With the help of the Vermont Atlas of Life at VCE, a lifetime of work on the ground beetles of Vermont and New Hampshire has reached fruition and is now available in Carabidae of Vermont and New Hampshire by Ross T. Bell, Professor Emeritus of the University of Vermont. Read the blog »

A Real Survivor: The Cobblestone Tiger Beetle
July 04, 2004Back in 1986, the cobblestone tiger beetle (Cicindela marginipennis) had it all. In March of that year, the half-inch-long beetle was elected the Plainfield Town Insect, appeared on posters and T-shirts, and even became a hot topic in the national media. Reporters and photographers who descended on the Connecticut River town of Plainfield, New Hampshire, to cover the rare beetle’s story, had no idea that they were doggedly pursuing their own namesake: “paparazzi” comes from the Italian word for “a kind of buzzing insect.” Read the story at Northern Woodlands »

Vermont Agrees Small is Beautiful, Names Tiger Beetle Protected Insect
August 05, 1986The Cobblestone Tiger Beetle becomes Vermont's first projected insect with a celebration along the banks of the Connecticut River. Read the newspaper article »