how to Participate

To participate, you need to have an iNaturalist account- go to and sign up or log in. Below are links to tutorials and a quick start guide to help get you going.

help and tutorials

Filter Links for Some Items to Identify

Some Tips and Considerations

QUICK START: how to use the identification tool

  1. When you are logged into iNaturalist, navigate to the Identify tab.

2. Use the filter tab to sort observations by region, taxonomic group, date, etc., to curate the observations you want to identify, and click Update Search. For this challenge, filter the location to the state of Vermont (as seen below), or to a region in Vermont.

Tip: Adding identifications, even if they are broad (i.g. bird, plant, snake), to observations uploaded as “Unknown” is important. This helps people who filter Identify by taxonomic group to find these observations. Under Filters -> Categories, select the last icon (sporting a question mark in the center) to filter for observations uploaded as Unknown.

3. Click on the first observation. A pop-up will open (see below), allowing you to toggle through the media provided for the observation (left side) and provide identifications, annotations, and view metadata (right side). To agree with the current identification, click “Agree.” To suggest a different identification, click “Add ID.” Once you are done, click the arrow on the side of the pop-up to take you to the next observation. If you are unsure of whether the identification is correct, do not click Agree! It is okay to skip observations if you need.