Dusky Grasshopper (Encoptolophus sordidus) © Matt Pelikan (iNaturalist)
Range of the Dusky Grasshopper is from Alberta (Canada), Montana and Colorado to Manitoba (Canada), the Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas (Grasshoppers of Wyoming and the West).
The habitat of the Dusky Grasshopper includes weedy fields and heavily overgrown pastures, and old field and woods margins, rather than prairie or plains grasslands.
Also called Clouded Grasshopper.
Conservation Status
Global: G5
The Dusky Grasshopper season is July – November. Adults appear in late August. It tends to be common into Autumn, and to sometimes live even into early winter.
More Information
- iNaturalist Species Account
- BugGuide Species Account
- Grasshoppers of Wyoming and the West
- Vermont Atlas of Life Data Explorer
Vermont Distribution
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