Fourteen-spotted Lady Beetle © Jason Michael Crockwell

Fourteen-spotted Lady Beetle © Kent McFarland

Fourteen-spotted Lady Beetle © Tom Murray

The Fourteen-spotted Lady Beetle is native to parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa, however its North American range is rapidly spreading. They were originally introduced to the United States to help control the Russian wheat aphid (Hoebeke 2019). These small beetles come in a surprising variety of colors and patterns. Their 14 spots are almost rectangular in shape and their color ranges from cream to light orange.



Introduced to the United States and Canada.

Last Seen


Fun Fact

Although Fourteen-spotted Lady Beetles are named for their fourteen spots, these spots are rarely separate. They often blend together, creating larger patterns that can resemble an anchor.


The Fourteen-spotted Lady Beetle is 2.5 to 5 mm in length,


Fields, meadows, gardens, agricultural crops, and vacant lots. Can also be found in woodlands.

General Range

Native to Europe, Northern Africa, and Asia. Has been introduced to North America, and can be found across the United States and Canada.


Primarily eats aphids. Will also consume insect and other lady beetle eggs.

Life Cycle

The Fourteen-spotted Lady Beetle is most frequently found from May to August, but can be found into the fall. After the eggs hatch, larvae typically feed for 8 to 10 days, then pupate for 4 to 5 days. Overwinters in leaf litter.

More Information

You can find more information about Fourteen-spotted Lady Beetles using the following links:

Vermont Distribution

Visit the iNaturalist Observation Map and Occurrence Records to find out where Fourteen-spotted Lady Beetles have been seen in Vermont.