From birds to butterflies and everything in between, join one of our biodiversity missions. Naturalists of all ages and abilities from around the Green Mountain State are helping us monitor Vermont life.
Vermonters have long upheld a tradition of documenting biodiversity. The VAL missions are projects that are short in duration and easy for just about anyone to join and contribute observations for science and conservation. Pick one, or several, and join the community!

Mission Million 2025: Help Us Reach One Million Research Grade Observations on iNaturalist
VAL depends on crowd-sourced platforms like iNaturalist as ever-growing sources of biodiversity data. Once observations have been uploaded, they need to be independently identified by other users. Its called crowd-sourced identification. Only these verified data can be used for research and conservation. We are just 150,000 shy of one million verified observations. Help us reach a million in 2025!

Annual Vermont Moth Blitz (July 19-27, 2025)
Celebrate National Moth Week! Explore Vermont's astounding moth diversity! By participating in our annual Moth Blitz, you will help the Vermont Moth Atlas develop a better understanding of the moths that call the Green Mountain State home.

Vermont Mission Monarch Blitz (July 26 to August 3, 2025)
The annual International Monarch Monitoring Blitz aims to capture a snapshot of the state of monarch populations breeding in Vermont and beyond. It is easy and fun for all ages!