The creek heelsplitter is found in the Canadian Interior Basin, the upper Mississippi, Ohio and St. Lawrence River systems extending from Saskatchewan to Nebraska and eastward to Vermont and Quebec. It was first documented in Vermont by Adams (1841).

Key Characteristics

Conservation Status


Usually found in creeks, smaller rivers, and upstream areas in large rivers. This species prefers finer gravel, sand, and mud.

Host Species

Slimy sculpin, spotfin shiner, black crappie, and the yellow perch.

More information


Most records are from the Champlain basin. In 1993 it was discovered in the Coaticook River in Norton in northeastern Vermont, a tributary of the St. Francis River, which enters the St. Lawrence River. It is found in Otter Creek in nearly to the headwaters.

Distribution map has locations where this species has been documented and digitized into the atlas database. Systematic surveys have not been conducted for many species and those surveys that have been conducted have been largely focused on endangered species. Therefore, in some cases, the actual distribution of freshwater mussels may be more extensive than what is presented here. Shaded areas are watershed sub-basins and river main stems are shown.