Date: 5/15/2020        Time: 12:00pm

Join us Friday, May 15th for the official launch of our Backyard Lady Beetle Blitz! While we had originally intended to meet in-person, we are instead inviting you to tune in at 12pm for a Brown Bag Lady Beetle Discussion. During this lunchtime chat, Kent and Emily will discuss the current state of Vermont’s lady beetle species and explain why we need citizen scientists to help us find them. They will also briefly demonstrate how to add lady beetle sightings to the Vermont Lady Beetle Atlas on iNaturalist.

You can join the webinar using the following information:

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Meeting ID: 989 3126 9447
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Check out the details for the Backyard Lady Beetle Blitz.

**Please note that this webinar will be recorded and made available for those who cannot attend at the scheduled time. If you have any questions about the recording, please contact Emily at .