See what's going on at the Vermont Atlas of Life: webinars, lectures, nature walks, other programs. Did you miss a webinar or lecture? Check out our recorded events and watch them anytime.

WEBINAR: Introduction to the Second Vermont Butterfly Atlas
March 26, 2025Join us on Wednesday, March 26, 7:00 PM for a peek at Vermont's first Butterfly Atlas and an introduction to the Second Vermont Butterfly Atlas. Attendees can expect to learn about what new butterfly species have been discovered since the first atlas, what new technologies have made butterflying even more fun and easy, and how to search and adopt atlas blocks. Register »

WEBINAR: The Second Vermont Butterfly Atlas Q&A
April 23, 2025Join us on Wednesday, April 23, 7:00 PM for a wide-ranging discussion and Q&A about the atlas and any other burning butterfly related questions you might have. From questions about field work to reporting observations, or finer points of butterfly ID and natural history. Join us and share and learn with other atlas volunteers and staff. Register »

WEBINAR: An Introduction to the eButterfly Website and Mobile App
May 07, 2025Do you want to learn more about how to use eButterfly? Join Dr. Rodrigo Solis Sosa, our Human Network and Data Coordinator at eButterfly, as he explains how to use eButterfly in this webinar and ask him all your burning questions. Join the Webinar on Wednesday, May 7, 7:00 PM. Register »